- moral hazard
- моральный риска) в страховом деле - риск недобросовестности, недобросовестного поведения застрахованного лица
moral hazard - a risk to an insurance company resulting from uncertainty about the honesty of the insured (American Heritage Dictionary).
б) в экономике - риске безответственного или, в зависимости от ситуации, недобросовестного финансового поведения (инвестора или должника); такое словоупотребление особенно характерно для крайних либералов-рыночниковThe U.S. government's regular practice of extending guarantees to certain countries experiencing financial difficulties […] sends a message to investors, both foreign and domestic, that they can invest with little fear of a total loss. […] That situation is analogous to the moral hazard created by federal deposit insurance. Depositors do not scrutinize banks' financial strengths and weaknesses because they bear no risk of a loss (из доклада Cato Institute).
A number of industries are trying to take advantage of extraordinary times, to get aid that runs counter to market principles. It creates a dangerous precedent and underscores the old moral hazard problem.
The proposals are designed to help resolve the 'moral hazard' problem created by IMF bailouts. Bailouts encourage reckless lending, their critics allege, because lenders are led to believe that if things go wrong the IMF will rescue them (Centre for Economic Policy Research).
Wednesday night's bailout of Long-Term Capital Management, a high-flying hedge fund, has the smell of $3.5 billion worth of moral hazard (из передовой статьи в Wall Street Journal). — Принятое в среду вечером решение о предоставлении экстренной помощи в размере 3,5 миллиарда долларов небезызвестному хедж-фонду Long-Term Capital Management – это, судя по всему, не что иное, как приглашение к безответственности.
The English annotation is below. (English-Russian). 2003.